A Fast And Easy Blink Camera Wired Setup Guide

blink camera wired setup

So you’re thinking about getting yourself some Blink cameras, eh? Good choice! These bad boys run on batteries, so there is no need to worry about finding a power source, but if you’re feelin’ fancy, you can wire ’em up too.

Now, there might be some reasons why you’d want to give your cameras a wired power source and other reasons why you wouldn’t need to. If you’re on the fence about it, why don’t you quickly read this article? It might help you make up your mind.

Can Blink Cameras Be Hardwired?

Yes, Blink cameras can be hardwired for power. Some users may prefer to hard wire their cameras so they can put them where they want to without worrying about the batteries dying or needing to replace.

However, this is an alternative option if you want to save a few dollars on wiring supplies by plugging the camera in directly to an outlet. Remember that if your Blink camera is mounted outside, you will need an outdoor-rated power supply for the connection.

How A Wired Blink Camera Works

So you’ve decided to go for a wired setup with your Blink camera. That means your camera’s gonna be plugged into the wall for its power source. But don’t get too excited. This setup doesn’t mean you can now wire the video signal to your phone or tablet. That’s a bummer, I know. But hey, at least your camera will never run out of juice! It’ll always be ready to capture all the action.

How To Setup A Hard Wired Blink Camera

Setting up your new Blink camera is a breeze. It’s almost as easy as taking a selfie. All you gotta do is plug the camera’s cable into the outlet and give it some juice by plugging the cord into a power source. And just like that, you’ll be ready to start streaming your life in no time! No worries, you won’t need to call the IT guy.

Wireless Vs. Wired Blink Camera Setups

Which Is Better?

Wireless setups are the way to go if you want a more straightforward installation process. No more drilling holes in your walls or ceilings or searching for extra power outlets. And the best part? You can place your camera anywhere, even if there’s no outlet.

But hold up! With a wireless setup, you gotta keep an eye on your camera’s battery life. It’s crucial to replace it before it dies, so you don’t miss a beat. On the bright side, if you go for a hardwired setup, you don’t have to worry about battery life. Just get it set up, and you’re good to go! You don’t have to wait for the battery to charge before recording again.

So, it’s up to you, bud. Go wireless for flexibility or hardwired for peace of mind. Either way, you’re good to go!

Blink Camera Wire Connection Options

There are several different wired adapters for Blink cameras available if you want to hardwire your security cameras in your home. We looked at a number of them and would recommend:

Wasserstein Weatherproof Power Cable

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No more batteries! A Wasserstein weatherproof power cable includes everything you need to capture outdoor moments. Simply attach the Blink outdoor camera to your fence, tree, or post and plug in the included cable – no need to charge batteries.

The cable is waterproof, so you can use it outdoors in rain, snow, or shine. And because the cable is 16 feet long, you can position it where you need it most. Compatible with all Blink outdoor cameras, this wired setup is ideal for capturing moments around your house and garden.

Which Blink Camera Will Work As Wired?

Most Blink products will work with a battery and wired power. Here is a list of all of the blink products that will work with a hardwired power source:


Will the wire recharge the battery?

No, the connector on this power cable cannot recharge the battery in the camera itself.

Will a wire damage my property?

No, the wire is designed to withstand all types of weather, including rain and snow. And it’s built to last – it’s made from durable PVC-coated material that will withstand the elements for years to come.


Yes, you can use a Blink camera as a wired camera. It eliminates the need for batteries but gives you fewer placement options where you can put your security cameras. I will go with the hardwired setup if you are looking for more security than a convenience feature.