Philips Hue CIE Colors: HTML Color Codes to XY Values Explained

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Philips Hue CIE colorspace. This concise resource will equip you with the knowledge to transform HTML color codes into corresponding XY values. Ideal for developers and tech enthusiasts seeking to enhance their smart home environment through the Philips Hue API and Hue color bulbs.

You can use these tables to find the Philips Hue CIE colorspace XY coordinates for popular HTML color codes. This is useful if you’re changing light colors via the API. See the footnote below to learn how I calculated these values.

Note: Some colors fall outside of the addressable Hue color space. In those cases, I just used the closest match.

Red colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  lightsalmon #FFA07A rgb(255,160,122) (0.5015,0.3530)
  salmon #FA8072 rgb(250,128,114) (0.5347,0.3256)
  darksalmon #E9967A rgb(233,150,122) (0.4849,0.3476)
  lightcoral #F08080 rgb(240,128,128) (0.5065,0.3145)
  indianred #CD5C5C rgb(205,92,92) (0.5475,0.3113)
  crimson #DC143C rgb(220,20,60) (0.6435.0.3045)
  firebrick #B22222 rgb(178,34,34) (0.6554,0.3111)
  red #FF0000 rgb(255,0,0) (0.675,0.322)
  darkred #8B0000 rgb(139,0,0) (0.675,0.322)

Orange colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  coral #FF7F50 rgb(255,127,80) (0.5754,0.3480)
  tomato #FF6347 rgb(255,99,71) (0.6111,0.3260)
  orangered #FF4500 rgb(255,69,0) (0.6725,0.3230)
  gold #FFD700 rgb(255,215,0) (0.4852,0.4619)
  orange #FFA500 rgb(255,165,0) (0.5567,0.4091)
  darkorange #FF8C00 rgb(255,140,0) (0.5921,0.3830)

Yellow colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  lightyellow #FFFFE0 rgb(255,255,224) (0.3435,0.3612)
  lemonchiffon #FFFACD rgb(255,250,205) (0.3594,0.3756)
  lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 rgb(250,250,210) (0.3502,0.3715)
  papayawhip #FFEFD5 rgb(255,239,213) (0.3598,0.3546)
  moccasin #FFE4B5 rgb(255,228,181) (0.3913,0.3755)
  peachpuff #FFDAB9 rgb(255,218,185) (0.3948,0.3597)
  palegoldenrod #EEE8AA rgb(238,232,170) (0.3762,0.3978)
  khaki #F0E68C rgb(240,230,140) (0.4023,0.4267)
  darkkhaki #BDB76B rgb(189,183,107) (0.4019,0.4324)
  yellow #FFFF00 rgb(255,255,0) (0.4325,0.5007)

Green colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  lawngreen #7CFC00 rgb(124,252,0) (0.4091,0.518)
  chartreuse #7FFF00 rgb(127,255,0) (0.4091,0.518)
  limegreen #32CD32 rgb(50,205,50) (0.4091,0.518)
  lime #00FF00 rgb(0.255.0) (0.4091,0.518)
  forestgreen #228B22 rgb(34,139,34) (0.4091,0.518)
  green #008000 rgb(0,128,0) (0.4091,0.518)
  darkgreen #006400 rgb(0,100,0) (0.4091,0.518)
  greenyellow #ADFF2F rgb(173,255,47) (0.4091,0.518)
  yellowgreen #9ACD32 rgb(154,205,50) (0.4091,0.518)
  springgreen #00FF7F rgb(0,255,127) (0.3883,0.4771)
  mediumspringgreen #00FA9A rgb(0,250,154) (0.3620,0.4250)
  lightgreen #90EE90 rgb(144,238,144) (0.3673,0.4356)
  palegreen #98FB98 rgb(152,251,152) (0.3674,0.4358)
  darkseagreen #8FBC8F rgb(143,188,143) (0.3423,0.3862)
  mediumseagreen #3CB371 rgb(60,179,113) (0.3584,0.4180)
  seagreen #2E8B57 rgb(46,139,87) (0.3580,0.4172)
  olive #808000 rgb(128,128,0) (0.4325,0.5007)
  darkolivegreen #556B2F rgb(85,107,47) (0.3886,0.4776)
  olivedrab #6B8E23 rgb(107,142,35) (0.4091,0.518)

Cyan colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  lightcyan #E0FFFF rgb(224,255,255) (0.3096,0.3216)
  cyan #00FFFF rgb(0,255,255) (0.2857,0.2744)
  aqua #00FFFF rgb(0,255,255) (0.2857,0.2744)
  aquamarine #7FFFD4 rgb(127,255,212) (0.3230,0.3480)
  mediumaquamarine #66CDAA rgb(102,205,170) (0.3231,0.3483)
  paleturquoise #AFEEEE rgb(175,238,238) (0.3032,0.3090)
  turquoise #40E0D0 rgb(64,224,208) (0.3005,0.3036)
  mediumturquoise #48D1CC rgb(72,209,204) (0.2937,0.2902)
  darkturquoise #00CED1 rgb(0,206,209) (0.2834,0.2698)
  lightseagreen #20B2AA rgb(32,178,170) (0.2944,0.2916)
  cadetblue #5F9EA0 rgb(95,158,160) (0.2963,0.2953)
  darkcyan #008B8B rgb(0,139,139) (0.2857,0.2744)
  teal #008080 rgb(0,128,128) (0.2857,0.2744)

Blue colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  powderblue #B0E0E6 rgb(176,224,230) (0.3015,0.3057)
  lightblue #ADD8E6 rgb(173,216,230) (0.2969,0.2964)
  lightskyblue #87CEFA rgb(135,206,250) (0.2706,0.2447)
  skyblue #87CEEB rgb(135,206,235) (0.2788,0.2630)
  deepskyblue #00BFFF rgb(0,191,255) (0.2425,0.1892)
  lightsteelblue #B0C4DE rgb(176,196,222) (0.2926,0.2880)
  dodgerblue #1E90FF rgb(30,144,255) (0.2124,0.1297)
  cornflowerblue #6495ED rgb(100,149,237) (0.2355,0.1753)
  steelblue #4682B4 rgb(70,130,180) (0.2491,0.2021)
  royalblue #4169E1 rgb(65,105,225) (0.2051,0.1152)
  blue #0000FF rgb(0,0,255) (0.167,0.04)
  mediumblue #0000CD rgb(0,0,205) (0.167,0.04)
  darkblue #00008B rgb(0,0,139) (0.167,0.04)
  navy #000080 rgb(0,0,128) (0.167,0.04)
  midnightblue #191970 rgb(25,25,112) (0.1821,0.0698)
  mediumslateblue #7B68EE rgb(123,104,238) (0.2186,0.1419)
  slateblue #6A5ACD rgb(106,90,205) (0.2198,0.1443)
  darkslateblue #483D8B rgb(72,61,139) (0.2235,0.1502)

Purple colors

Color HTML / CSS
 Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  lavender #E6E6FA rgb(230,230,250) (0.3085,0.3071)
  thistle #D8BFD8 rgb(216,191,216) (0.3342,0.2970)
  plum #DDA0DD rgb(221,160,221) (0.3495,0.2545)
  violet #EE82EE rgb(238,130,238) (0.3645,0.2128)
  orchid #DA70D6 rgb(218,112,214) (0.3716,0.2102)
  fuchsia #FF00FF rgb(255,0,255) (0.3826,0.1597)
  magenta #FF00FF rgb(255,0,255) (0.3826,0.1597)
  mediumorchid #BA55D3 rgb(186,85,211) (0.3362,0.1743)
  mediumpurple #9370DB rgb(147,112,219) (0.2629,0.1772)
  blueviolet #8A2BE2 rgb(138,43,226) (0.2524,0.1062)
  darkviolet #9400D3 rgb(148,0,211) (0.2852,0.1086)
  darkorchid #9932CC rgb(153,50,204) (0.2986,0.1335)
  darkmagenta #8B008B rgb(139,0,139) (0.3826,0.1597)
  purple #800080 rgb(128,0,128) (0.3826,0.1597)
  indigo #4B0082 rgb(75,0,130) (0.2485,0.0917)

Pink colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  pink #FFC0CB rgb(255,192,203) (0.3947,0.3114)
  lightpink #FFB6C1 rgb(255,182,193) (0.4105,0.3102)
  hotpink #FF69B4 rgb(255,105,180) (0.4691,0.2468)
  deeppink #FF1493 rgb(255,20,147) (0.5388,0.2464)
  palevioletred #DB7093 rgb(219,112,147) (0.4657,0.2773)
  mediumvioletred #C71585 rgb(199,21,133) (0.4997,0.2247)

White colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
Hue XY
  white #FFFFFF rgb(255,255,255) (0.3227,0.3290)
  snow #FFFAFA rgb(255,250,250) (0.3280,0.3286)
  honeydew #F0FFF0 rgb(240,255,240) (0.3210,0.3441)
  mintcream #F5FFFA rgb(245,255,250) (0.3162,0.3346)
  azure #F0FFFF rgb(240,255,255) (0.3125,0.3274)
  aliceblue #F0F8FF rgb(240,248,255) (0.3098,0.3220)
  ghostwhite #F8F8FF rgb(248,248,255) (0.3098,0.3220)
  whitesmoke #F5F5F5 rgb(245,245,245) (0.3227,0.3290)
  seashell #FFF5EE rgb(255,245,238) (0.3385,0.3353)
  beige #F5F5DC rgb(245,245,220) (0.3401,0.3559)
  oldlace #FDF5E6 rgb(253,245,230) (0.3377,0.3376)
  floralwhite #FFFAF0 rgb(255,250,240) (0.3349,0.3388)
  ivory #FFFFF0 rgb(255,255,240) (0.3327,0.3444)
  antiquewhite #FAEBD7 rgb(250,235,215) (0.3546,0.3488)
  linen #FAF0E6 rgb(250,240,230) (0.3410,0.3386)
  lavenderblush #FFF0F5 rgb(255,240,245) (0.3357,0.3226)
  mistyrose #FFE4E1 rgb(255,228,225) (0.4212,0.1823)

Calculating Hue Values

Colors get complicated…

In their own words, Philips says that when working with their API, “colors get complicated.” This is undoubtedly true, as there are many different ways to represent a color space and quantify a color point of light.

CIE Chromaticity

Philips uses the CIE color space to represent the available colors for Hue bulbs. The three triangles outline the colors that Hue can address:

Cie Chromaticity Diagram

The Lights API specifies three different parameters to set a color: xy, color temperature (ct), or hue and saturation (hs). I’ve worked with all three and found that using the xy parameter is the most intuitive.

It’s easy to picture how the values relate to a specific color, and the API only requires a single field to be updated.

As you can see in the diagram above, it’s straightforward to get an idea of what xy value to use for a color – just look for where the two points intersect on the diagram. For example, “xy”:[0.675,0.322] is red.

What’s not intuitive, is if you have an exact color in mind – perhaps an RGB or hex color value and you need to know what the corresponding hue xy value would be. I was surprised that this mapping was unavailable in the API documentation or anywhere.

To build my own table and calculate the xy values from the html hex codes, I used this excellent tool from GitHub: hue-python-rgb-converter. There’s some fancy math happening under the covers, and this does the conversion seamlessly.

I put together a quick script below that uses the library. All you need to do is pull down the converter from git, unpack, and then run from the hue-python-rgb-converter-master folder passing a hex color code as a value.

from rgbxy import Converter
import sys
val = sys.argv[1]
print val
converter = Converter()
xy = converter.hex_to_xy(val)
print xy

I hope you found this article useful!